Hi there! I am an Economist interested in Data Science. I am passionate about data and in particular macroeconomic data. I have 7+ years of experience in teaching introductory courses in Economics and Econometrics. I have also worked on academic projects aimed at creating interactive contents for students. My goal is to combine my knowledge of Macroeconomics with my interest in Data Science. Occasionally I write articles on economic policy issues in Italy and Europe.
Here you can find my cv.
And here the complete list of my articles.
PhD (Dottorato di ricerca) in Economics and Management, 2015
University of Urbino
MA in International Economics, 2013
Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)
MA (Laurea Specialistica) in Philosophy, 2010
University of Urbino
BA (Laurea Triennale) in Philosophy, 2007
University of Urbino
I have worked mainly on two projects, MGWK, short for the German Modelltheoretische Grundlagen wirtschaftspolitischer Kontroversen, and WIPOSIM - The economic policy simulator. Goal of the two project was to teach Macroeconomics in an interactive and engaging way using some simple simulations. Both projects have been developed entirely in R/RStudio and numerous other packages (shiny, plotly, bookdown, etc.).
My responsibilities included:
As contract lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) I have developed and taught the following courses:
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